Our goal at inheritancespain is to provide clear, easily understandable explanations on inheritance and gifting in Spain to the international community.
We are proud to offer the comprehensive contents of our website to anyone looking for reliable information.
Our services, based on years of experience in this field, are aimed at giving you the best advice, guiding you through what may appear a complex process in order for you to resolve your inheritance and gifting issues in the most tax efficient way possible.
We offer the following services:
1.-We can provide a bespoke report detailing costs, taxes, and various requirements, taking into account the value of the asset, the amount to be gifted, the residence of donor and recipient and location of the assets. All these factors can affect the tax implications not only for the gift but also for capital gains for the donor.
We can then advise on the best way to proceed, having laid out all the avenues available.
2.-Acting as your representative – Gifting in Spain requires a public notary deed to gift immovable assets and to take advantage of the multiple benefits offered under the Comunidad Autónoma regulations.
A public notary deed requires at least two signatures, donor and beneficiary, therefore, we offer our services as representatives if you do not plan to come to Spain, for signing the deed, obtaining a NIE or «M» number or managing all other representation necessary with the tax authority arising from gift.
Marital Estate – current or future:
1.-We can provide a personal report about the implications on an international marriage or partnership under Spanish law, even local «foral» or «Comunidades Autónomas» rules that are important for Spaniards with the corresponding «Vecindad Civil» but most of all for foreigners with residence in one of those territories.
2.-We can provide a tailor made report for a future marriage or relationship statute, to govern not only matrimonial property regimes, but also future obligations to offspring of previous relationships and corresponding estate planning.
Estate Planning:
1.-We offer a tailor made, personal evaluation, informing you about your estate planning, including taxes involved, tax liability under the current regulations, consequences, obligations and rights for the parties involved, taking into account regional variations.
2.-We can draft your will to be signed at your nearest notary office.
3.-We can store not only your will but your personal instructions to undertake your last wishes, or to allocate the assets to your beneficiaries, either giving them to the legatees or sharing them out among the inheritors. That will be easy if you appoint us as «albaceas and contador parador» in your last will. In that way, you will avoid personal disputes in court, as no court will intervene in personal disputes related to allocation of the assets among beneficiaries when a «contador partidor» is involved.
The formalities will be smoother for your surviving family, as the » Contador» is able to deal with the surviving partner as well as with the beneficiaries.The Contador partidor signs all the paperwork.
We can:
1.-Assess and present Inheritance Tax.
2.-Take care of your rights by controlling all the proceedings if we are not involved as «contador partidor».
3.-Go to court, on your behalf, if necessary, to protect your rights.
4.-Provide advice for foreign professionals, executors, trustees, lawyers representing clients with interests in Spain or dealing with estates where Spanish assets are involved.
5.-Deal with Land Registry issues to get inherited assets properly inscribed.
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