Asturias has its own inheritance tax regulations as a result of the Spanish State ceding the tax revenue of inheritance and gift tax to Comunidades Autónomas, along with some regulatory autonomy to adapt tax to the particular circumstances of the respective Comunidad Autónoma.
This means that most Comunidades Autónomas have ruled new (and huge) benefits compared to those established by the Spanish State.
While the tax scheme and regime is the same in all parts of Spain, the Comunidades Autónomas took advantage of the given power to fix higher thresholds, or different rates or direct reductions on the amount to be paid (and sometimes all of these) to benefit close relatives of the deceased or disabled people. There are also benefits that help promote local business, farming, etc. as well as in the acquisition of the Comunidad Autónomas’ cultural assets.
However, the Comunidades Autónomas change their regulations quite frequently so it is necessary to check the regulation in force at the time the tax is due (the date of death).
In Asturias, unmarried couples have the same rights as married couples provided their relationship had been constituted and inscribed in the Registry of Unmarried Couples in Asturias.
There are large benefits for descendants who are under twenty-one and in some cases this can mean they needn’t pay anything.
The same possibility of paying nothing existed for successions opened prior to 31/12/2016, for descendants over that age, for ascendants and for spouses, if the individual acquisition is less than 150.000 € and his or her existing wealth is under 402.678,11€.
Also, benefits are increased in comparison with State law, for disabled people with a grade over 65% and with existing wealth of under 402.678,11€.
Since the first of January 2017, there is a more progressive, higher scale.
The question now is who can take advantage of these benefits:
Contact us for specific personal advice for your individual case